Pat's Photo Gallery

Kenya & Tanzania & Zimbabwe - September 2001
Nairobi, Kenya
Part 21 of 24

Musicians in front of Arusha Cultural Center
Musicians in front of Arusha Cultural Center, Arusha is the capital of Tanzania
We drove back to Nairobi from Arusha after flying to Arusha from the Serengeti

Eating at a wild game restaurant
Margaret, Rebecca, Susan eating wild game at the appropriately named Carnivore Restaurant in Nairobi
They served us eland, ostrich, zebra, and crocodile

Kazuri Pottery Shop
Kazuri Pottery Shop - a woman's cooperative in Nairobi

Karen Blixen home
Karen Blixen home in Nairobi - Filmmakers used another home to film "Out of Africa"

Ngong Hills from the Blixen home
View of the Ngong Hills, where Karen Blixen buried her lover, from the Blixen home

Giraffe Center in Nairobi
Giraffe Center in Nairobi

Shirley feeding Giraffe
Shirley feeding giraffe

Giraffe being fed
Eager giraffe being fed by Shirley
Link to Part 22

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