Pat's Photo Gallery

Egypt Vacation - March 17 - 31, 2006

Page Seven of Ten

Temple of Hathor
Temple of Hathor, next to the Great Temple
of Abu Simbel. Dedicated by Ramses II to wife
Nefertari. The 6 statues, about 33 ft. tall, show
Nefertari as the goddess Hathor, alternating with
statues of Ramses II.

Closeup of statue of Nefertari and Ramses II on the right.

Aswan in the evening

dinner in Aswan
Shirley, Margaret, Mercedes eating dinner at a Egyptian
pizza parlor in Aswan.

Pat on camel
Pat on a camel on trip to St. Simeon's Monastery,
a 6th century Christian site near Aswan.

Margaret on camel
Margaret getting off a camel

Aswan market
Crowded local market in Aswan

Zoser Pyramid
Pyramid of Zoser at Sakkara - Sakkara was the burial grounds
of the Old Kingdom pharaohs, who ruled from nearby
Memphis starting around 3100 BC. It's a sprawling complex
of temples, pyramids, funerary monuments. Largest monument,
shown here, is the Step Pyramid of King Zoser, built in 27th
century BC, perhaps the very first Egyptian pyramid. It's
more than 200 ft. tall.

Peering into a serdab, a stone structure in front of
the Step Pyramid. Within the stone are 2 eye holes.
Looking inside, you can see a life-like limestone statue
of King Zoser looking back at you.

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