Canadian Rockies - Part Eight
Short Stop in Glacier National Park in Montana on the way home
August 2007
Two Medicine Lake in Glacier National Park in Montana. We did one hike here on our way back to Denver.
This picture is taken from the Mt. Henry trail, which I hiked with my brother and my dad on a family vacation
in the West when I was 14 years old. Back then, that hike did a lot to stimulate my interest in hiking. For
sentimental reasons, I wanted to do the hike again. We had skipped doing this on the drive up to Canada due
to the multiple wildfires in Montana, but it was clear enough in the Park on the way back to do the hike.
However, we could smell the smoke the entire time we were hiking, and driving away from the Park, we
could see smoke in all directions.
Higher view from the Mt Henry trail
Near Mt Henry summit. The trail continues to East Glacier near this point, but you need permission
from the Blackfeet Tribe to continue, as the trail goes through tribal land.
Heading back down - looking at the valley below
There are many wind-blown and dead trees along this trail
Two Medicine Lake from shoreline
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