Pat's Photo Gallery

Angkor, Cambodia - February 2005
Part Four of Seven

Jungle interference
Trees from the jungle are overwhelming Ta Prohm Temple,
as this Temple has been deliberately left unrestored by teams from
around the world that are restoring other temples at Angkor

 Tree roots
The first Lara Croft Tomb Raider movie with Angelina Jolie filmed some scenes at Ta Prohm
Maintenance man
This gentleman picks up trash at Ta Prohm & is allowed to sell his wares on site

Tour groups
Tour groups have discovered Angkor & the area is experiencing quite a tourist invasion since the Khmer
Rouge were thrown out of power in Cambodia and the genocide of the infamous Pol Pot regime ceased.
However, some parts of Angkor still have land mines & are not safe to wander around.

Typical home
Here's a typical home on stilts to protect against termites/flooding

2 kids standing in front of a huge bowl to catch & store water
at a farm house where our tour group had lunch

Our hostess
Our hostess & cook in front of her cooking area inside the home

Young boy
A young boy sitting on a hammock outside hoping to sell
small wooden bracelets to us for one dollar


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